President :
Sur, Veena Saaz, Thakur Complex,
(East), Mumbai - 400 101
: 9820324213
Id -
Secretary : D
Sreshta Riverside Apartments,
Creek Road, Nandambakkam, Chennai - 600089
: 9176635967 / 044 42850049.
Id -
circular No.DK/59
some thoughts/facts ....
then goes the next salvo ... Not that there is any
significant development from the time the last one, DK -- 58, went
out; yes, today is the 26th of March , and we had some
indications that our case in SC may come up for Hearing.
Contrary to that expectation was the way certain facts around the
Court suggested, that it was quite unlikely because the new Bench
to Hear our case had not been constituted, and the Date was only a
computer generated one. Now we understand that the Case never came
up in the main list for the day, and that there has been no
movement on this front. So we will need to wait and watch for any
further news from the SC.
I attended the the 4th Biennial General Body Meeting of the
Odisha Association, which indeed is a composite Unit, representing
the jurisdiction of the 4 LIC Divisions in Odisha, viz,Cuttack,
Sambalpur, Bhubaneswar and Berhampur. It was held on the 24th of
march, Sunday, at the STC premises of Cuttack Division. The
Day-long meeting was well organized and over 70 members from
different stations in the state attended the meet. Sri G N Panda
the general Secretary of the Association, came up with a very
comprehensive Report of Activities running to about 8 pages
of printed matter. They had invited one of the popular Literary
persons of Odiya literature, and he delivered a very meaningful
talk, as to how even as elders, we needed to consciously cultivate
basic values of life, so that our happiness quotient is kept high.
raised doubts over our continually postponed Dates for the Hearing
of our Case in the SC, and wondered whether many of us in later
ages, would live to see the fruits of these efforts.
I mentioned to them about the positive winds that are now seen to be blowing in the form of RBI getting their Pension Revision, and there is also expectations that IBA will come up with certain reliefs on these lines and that the interval of time for the Court Case to resume, could see some benefits flowing to us too, in the interregnum. I did indicate that
I mentioned to them about the positive winds that are now seen to be blowing in the form of RBI getting their Pension Revision, and there is also expectations that IBA will come up with certain reliefs on these lines and that the interval of time for the Court Case to resume, could see some benefits flowing to us too, in the interregnum. I did indicate that
i. The
Family Pension matter is already being put up to the LIC Board for
a change of the percentage from 15 to 30. &
ii. There
is also an indication that the super seniors (upwards of 80) may
also be given the benefit of percentage increases in pension on the
lines of the Central Govt Retirees.
I said, instead of getting stressed over the delayed court dates,
which are not exactly in our control, we could as well hope
to see slow movements on small benefits coming to us, on
their own. We are also positive on the results ever since we
made certain direct efforts through PMO, on various issues
including the above two.
were also conducted, and a new Committee took over. Their
Founder-President Sri P Swain , who passed away suddenly in Nov
last year, had to be also substituted by a newer person, and the
choice fell on Sri N C Bhatta, to take over as President. Sri G
N Panda was re-elected as Secretary.
had visited Ernakulam on the 17th of march for some
personal matters. The Local Association took the opportunity
to convene an EC meeting on that day. They were quite
categorical that some intervention from our side should be there on
the way the Mediclaim scheme was being administered. They
also sent me a gist of some of the cases where they had noticed
difficulties, in obtaining the benefit of Health Insurance Cover as
intended/provided for in the Scheme . I felt something needed
to be done expeditiously, as the elderly were being put to a lot of
hassles. I have therefore addressed a communication to the ZM
Southern Zone , which I thought I could reproduce here for your
until next time , with Greetings to all
of India, Southern Zonal Office,
Saalai, CHENNAI – 600002.
am writing this in the context of a lot of difficulty being
experienced by the Retired Officers of LIC , in the use of
Mediclaim Benefit, administered by New India Insurance
Co. and the TPA , which is Vidal, in the case of the the
state of Kerala.
am enclosing copy of a grievance letter received by me , as the
General Secretary of the Retired LIC Class I officers'
Federation. In fact , on my recent visit to Ernakulam, in a Meeting
I attended, of the local Association, a whole lot of these
were made out, and they pleaded that I take it up with the higher
Office of LIC, to be in turn taken up by them with the New India
and the TPA -- Messrs Vidal, before the contract is renewed for the
next Financial Year.
you will see from a few cases narrated here, the spirit of
extending the insurance scheme to the retired officers is missing.
The cash-less scheme was described by some in the meeting as
Less-Cash scheme. While there are rules to allow claims,
there seems to be a sense of apathy in disallowing without proper
a person who claimed well within the limits allowed to her, a major
amount of over 38000/- was disallowed and the officer concerned did
not know why this cut was made. On enquiry the explanation was that
the Room Charges claimed were beyond limit and all other expenses
to the extent of the additional limit on Room , was
disallowed. Actually Room charges were 4500/- only and the
Nursing charges were clubbed with Room charges to make it
beyond the allowed limit of 5000/-. This was very unfair, and even
if for a moment, the clubbing is accepted, the percentage of excess
is hardly 1 or2 % and the cut in the claim amount is to the
extent of 9 or 10%!
the Nursing charges with Room Rent, twists the whole scheme,
in an arbitrary manner. Where ,even when , actually Room rent is
exceeded , the whole of expenses of Treatment cannot be cut down to
the extent of the excess on one item like Room rent. These violate
the very spirit of the insurance protection sought to be offered by
the Cover.
instance quoted, where the New India Office had gone ahead and
disallowed 19000/- on Cataract Surgery, when in fact the claim was
well within the limit of 60,000/-, it was observed that the
administering office of New India did not have the copy of
Policy conditions, and yet they had gone about disallowing a big
insurance on Health and Treatment is a facility allowed to us in
old age. One does not have the energy to look deep into how
things were calculated by the office of New India, particularly
when they disallow a big part of the Claim. The New India
Office has to explain up-front as they make the payment, as to what
was disallowed and why. Every case where an amount is
disallowed has to be clearly explained. Otherwise it appears that
out of' Grace' something is given and one has to accept it
without demur.
matter relating to how the Cash-less scheme works has to be
re-examined from the practical perspective of the person
hospitalised, and made more humane than it is now. There are
cases quoted in the grievance list here, where the discharge of the
patient from the Hospital, had to wait for hours for the
authorisation from the TPA to come in. Even where at
every stage , the pre-authorisation requests were made in time, the
approvals received fell well short of the amount needed. The very
purpose behind the Cash-less facility is defeated by this very
inconsiderate approach.
request here is to have these matters thrashed out with the Insurer
before renewing the contract this year for the on-coming year
few things must be made mandatory as part of the understanding on
the Contract with the Insurer:
Any Amount disallowed , when clearly within the Limit
allowable, must be Explained up-front.
The TPA must be made responsible for playing its intermediary
role in a humane and responsible manner--- accountable for delays
which makes the party concerned, make the payment to
Hospital, for discharge in time, in a Cash-less scheme.
Offices of New India administering the Insurance scheme for us,
should be made aware of the Conditions of Policy and the Limits.
do hope this will be taken up with all the seriousness it deserves,
in the interest of the aged Pensioners of LIC. In fact, I would be
grateful for a feed back on what is being done on this paper.
As desired by you yesterday, I am mentioning a few of the problems:
1. Case of A.Aiyappan Pillai - Of course it is an old one. Still I am giving it as an example of how the purpose of 'Cashless' is defeated. Pre-authorisation requests were sent in time. The amount sanctioned each time was very low. I followed it up personally. They assured me that at the time of discharge full amount will be settled. But unfortunately, the bill was 5 lakhs+ they sanctioned less than half of it. He had to remit Rs.2.6 lakhs to leave the hospital. On subsequent claim major portion of it was sanctioned. That is not cashless.
As desired by you yesterday, I am mentioning a few of the problems:
1. Case of A.Aiyappan Pillai - Of course it is an old one. Still I am giving it as an example of how the purpose of 'Cashless' is defeated. Pre-authorisation requests were sent in time. The amount sanctioned each time was very low. I followed it up personally. They assured me that at the time of discharge full amount will be settled. But unfortunately, the bill was 5 lakhs+ they sanctioned less than half of it. He had to remit Rs.2.6 lakhs to leave the hospital. On subsequent claim major portion of it was sanctioned. That is not cashless.
P.P.Jose, our E.C.member - He had surgery for removal of prostate 2
weeks back. Bill was around 2 lakhs. No sanction till 8 pm. Then he
remitted the entire amount to go home. Next day the Hospital
informed him that Rs. 1.21 lakhs has been sanctioned and he got
refunded by them. Now he has to submit a claim and wait for 2 or 3
months to get the balance.

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