1)Revered Sri MPS,as he is affectionately called is no more.MPS is considered a Father figure.He has a small countenance, but always a beaming smile.So cheerful in disposition,whether in meetings, or talks with authorities,or in telephone calls, he endears himself to one & all.Memorandums he has submitted & read, participated in RMOS& other functionaries talks for 2 hrs in SZO.No illwill or rancor, he loves,he admires others, he spreads goodwill,his impartial attitude proves infectious.
2)How many times, he has played the role of an Umpire, in which role he excels.Reason ,nothing arbitrary,he reads & digests,many pass off-the-cuff comments,many times sarcastic or adversorial to get cheap popularity & misguided attention.Not so , our dear MPS.In the course of the meandering, tortuous legal battle for ever so many years,with tears in the eyes of the aged,mature pensioners with a relatively low pittance of a pension & many angry & frustrated, comparing other Sectors many getting PensionUpgradation but unthinkable denial to Service & Financial Institutions ,the real Kamadhenu to Govt of India, (Lollypop to Pensioners RBI prospective & denying Retrospective Effective date as rightly determined by successive PayCommissions or by Courts ,heavy loss of cumulative rise in cascading pension & detrimental to Family Pensioners )BUT what a role of calm, cool temperament ,the graceful Octogenerian 85 yrs old MPS writes in impeccable English, stirring appeal for true & real appreciation of facts,portraying the events, happenings ,steps taken by AIRIEF leadership to hasten progress & flashes whatever subsequent developments take place ,a true sevak & servant of Pensioners Fraternity .
3) I miss him terribly,he shares & cares, listens & responds & offers help & assistance.When way back, some years before,myself & Sri GVSMani,a stormy petrel, on request, desired to constitute RIEA Madurai, in embryonic form, after Notes, Charts, AIRIEF achievements in summary fashion, & threadbare discussions,with initiative & Captaincy of S/Sri MPS &BAngurajan , present Organising Secretary,AIRIEF ,which post is really pivotal,& other team members of Madurai , determined to inaugurate RIEA Madurai, the temple town.Believe me, the 24 start membership ,with such Lighthouse & Beacon like MPS & redoubatable,painstaking Sri Angurajan & few more initiation leaders,picked up to 60, then rose to 90 & now a decent 160/170.
4)MPS also figured in 2/2/2019 Convergence or Peace talks at Chennai amongst the Petitioners & contributed his share of thoughts for unanimity of views & no cross-purposes during crucial submissions in Supreme Court.It is unforgettable & I was in tears today noon when we .M/s Angurajan, Chockalingam, Kulandaswamy,& myself reached far off Ambattur,picture of somber quietitude at MPS residence, a large family with banyan tree like good sons,daughters,in laws,grandson & grandchildren.He was proud to be with them,I recall the wonderful set of photos he sent for his age 80 celebrations.Choked for a while, his son Mr Suresh was telling all along work & the call of duty was paramount for his father.Thursday evening he felt, it seems,some unusual weight on his chest,as though, Friday till 6pm talking & ok,some little diet he took, massive heart attack.Hospital specialists could not revive.
5)True, the very 1st Appeal after assuming as VP,AIRIEF at Chennai,a glow of heart was visible & took vow to fulfil his responsibility.His,M/ sAngurajan,Thalakkaiah, VSitaraman, who was there already, GRamamoorthy, a formidable self-imposed assignment which Madural & Chennai as Joint partners ,sit for hours ,laborious,scanning lists of all sorts,evolving workable Pensioners Directory like now, massive letters with MPS copywright Appeals,is evoking response for in-depth RIEA Chennai refined,added membership for a new EC,which takes time as few only can fathom the burden of perennial work.MPS sends email to us connected, methodically ,(even today Sri Angurajan will collect what MPS has received kept in separate bag to Mr Sitaraman, a relentless worker) with data in reply & remittance to our Treasurer Sri RKannan, ably responding to this silent revolution for a genuine cause to promote welfare & progress of pensioners.
6)We are in shock & dismay at this juncture,when perhaps even SC case sooner than later has to come to an end with what all Govt has done at the last moment before Election Code came into being.
MPS services are unforgettable;it is etched in letters of gold.That such a dedicated leader is no more creates a vacuum.The paths of glory lead but to the grave.Parting is sad ,more so he is an admired & loveable personality.
May his soul rest in peace. May the Almighty shower strength & fortitude to his bereaved family.We met them all. We also went inside where his Mrs was there in a state of immobility ,offered our pranams.We placed Garlands , on behalf of Madurai & another on behalf of RIEA Chennai & AIRIEF
Yours mournfully,
R.B.KISHORE 16/3/2019
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