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Hardly did the faculty
finish his lecture,
a participant was up on his feet
an honest question that
arose in his mind.

it was really a well attended session
with almost every chair being occupied.

The trainer was elated that indeed after one full hour of his lecture
at least
one single trainee was still listening.
And more so
had a doubt also.

na bootho na bhavishyathi,  it flashed in his mind.
(not in the past, never to be in future also)

I saw the Revenue Account and BS
for the year ending...........
and am not clear
about one thing.

What is it ? The Faculty asked. .

There are two sub heads
The participant paused for a cup of water.


I mean
Legal Expenses and
Entertainment expenses.

Yes. What is your specific doubt ?

Why does
come beneath

Should it not be
EE coming under
LE !  ?

The faculty was not alone in 
getting confused.
Others too, 
from the beginning
of the lecture itself.

The Faculty was known for
his transparency and straight forwardness.
(most of us knew it why, 
as earlier , he was a marketing man.)

Was quite honest in admitting
"I am sorry. I don't
But I shall surely enquire and
let you know sooner.."

Days passed by .

The faculty  continued to scratch his head as to why
be coming beneath ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES. 

Most of those who mattered 
at the head 
just said:
the format is just that.
we just fill up figures as at 
31st March every year.

Finally decided to seek 

professional advice ;
approached his colleague
who had all to boast; 
two full lines 
of legal qualifications
behind  his name. 

"Is it so ! I did not know that."
He quipped and continued,
"if it were so, it has to be rectified...."

"Then under what HEAD OF ACCOUNT 
the expenses, I mean  LEGAL EXPENSES 
should be coming ?"  the faculty asked in
all innocence. 

"Honestly speaking, it should come under
Expenditure under

" How !!! "

"I am annoyed at your question. you do not know
how many well qualified legal men loitering
without a case in the by lanes of our courts...."

"is it !! "

"Yes. Yes. I was also one among them those days.
It was my luck that I entered here through direct recruitment.
Several of my friends still suffer outside... Who will give them job ?"

"Must be bad luck for them.."

"That is OK. But can you just allow a section of legal men
to go unemployed, under employed and under nourished !! "


"It is our duty to protect them also. That is why our motto is

" Must be true...." The faculty confessed. 

"And that is also why we see so many HR men also in our classes
as trainees.  Our job is to train them so that back home,
 these HR men  
create jobs for these legal pundits. 

As an organisation, that grows exponentially, 
 we are always focussed.  on goals .
A specific short term goal could be like this.....
Number of court cases: Ratio to number of employees 
later to become pensioners....Am I right !
It could be even as many policyholders.....That is a distant goal.
This ratio must be ascending 
and at least 
at the rate of 15 to 20 per cent."

"seems to be fine. But will it not shoot up the expenses of management
particularly salaries to staff etc., "  

"Yes. Of course. And that is why we have actuaries too amongst us."..

"I also know a couple of them..."

"They are the ones who silently work. 
on numbers, charts, ratios, costs and what not !
Even judges  listen to them with eerie  awe. 
Coming to your point, 
They just add 1 paisa per thousand per annum as loading 
to  the tabular premium, work is done. 
They do it
whenever they print the prospectus anew.
That will be enough to take care of what you said as shooting expenses. "

The faculty was amazed at his colleague's wisdom.
Felt he could never match the intellectual calibre of
his own colleague. 
To realise which,
most likely,
 he was  here.

"Friend ! I am not an astrologer. But I am sure 
you will one day be our Chairperson  or at least emdee. "

At the next lecture hall, possibly the lecture was ending .
The anthem was being played.
VYAKTHI AUR parivaaron kaa.



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