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Nanati Brathuku -....Waiting for 24.7 ? But, please, do not wait to listen to this Great Song of ANNAMACHARYA.


Annamaiah sings this song in Vyragyam i.e. asceticism. . He says that all activities, attachments are delusion, and warns that the consequences of sins will not leave us and that only faith in Venkatesa and struggle for salvation are helpful.
nAnATi batuku nATakamu
kAnaka kannadi kaivalyamu ||
Ordinary day to day life is a drama. Whether you see or not, salvation is the ultimate.
puTTuTayu nijamu pOvuTayu nijamu naTTa naDi kAlamu nATakamu
yeTTa neduTa gala dee prapanchamu
kaTTa gaDa paTidi kaivalyamu ||
Birth and death are true. The life in between is drama. This world is illusion and the ultimate is emancipation.
kuDi chEdannamu kOka chuTTEdi
naDi mantrapu pani nATakamu
voDi gaTTu konina vubhaya karmamulu
gaDi dATi napuDe kaivalyamu ||
Eating food, wearing clothes is routine.
Ultimate consequences of good and bad deeds will accompany you.
After crossing that stage only, there is liberation.
tegadu pApamu teeradu puNyamu
nagi nagi kAlamu nATakamu
yegu vane Sree vEnkatESwaru DElika
gaganamu meedidi kaivalyamu ||
No one can be cut off from his sin or virtue. All the time it is illusion. Sri Venkatesa rules from above. It is a long way for emancipation. 

nArAyaNa tE - behag
In this devotional song, Annamaiah describes Lord Vishnu who appeared in different incarnations to protect Dharma (righteouseness).


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