9:59 PM (38 minutes ago)
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Dear Sri Sury,
I refer to your post of 4th inst in your blog In connection with the federation's latest E-circular.
It cannot be denied the e-mail is the most convenient medium to disseminate information to a large number of people simultaneously.you should however appreciate that assessment of any situation could vary from person to person at any given point of time.
Our federation was formed in 2000 and the first two gen.secretaries Shri VN Kelkar (2yrs)and Shri Arabindo Ghosh (7yrs) mainly depended on written communications through post.When I took over in 2008 I too followed their pattern initially but since i found that the 'E' mode had started catching up and perhaps most of the retired people were literally becoming gadget addicts, i made it a practice to use both the E mail and "postal' modes.
I was very particular in using the postal facility alone for passing on information on organisational matters and that too for the leadership level only of the affiliated units particularly on any deatails of strategic decisions taken by us. All matters of general interest to the pensioners/members at large were being sent by e mail to a large number of pensioners/activists on my list.I considered it necessary not to make everything I communicate to become universal particularly because the federation had ,during my time, to cope up with some unhealthy 'one up' compettiton set in by one of the then leaders of another organisation who started giving dramatic and irrelevant details of the court room happenings in regard to our cases and many fell for that propaganda and I know many were drawn into an erroneous conclusion that our organisation was lagging in efforts to push the causes of pensioners.you will also agree that sending all and sundry information to everyone in the world, then sometimes what is intended to be a personal communication will get converted into a subject matter of discussion in a public platform as rightly observed by shriD. Krishnan himself.
As for passing on information from federation to members of Chennai Assn.I know you have been promptly posting all circulars and I request you to continue with your good Job
. Besides yourself, Shri VR Krishnan Secy of Chennai Assn has also a long list of mail ID's and I am sure he will also make use of it to ensure that any information that is relevant reaches every ordy.member.
With best regards
GN Sridharan
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