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जीवनस्य महान् पाठः प्राप्तः अद्य। Got the Magnificent lesson of life , now.

A few days ago, on a subject MORNING WALK, Madam Mythili ,a very Senior Officer of the rank of DZM and also  an erstwhile colleague of mine, ( widely admired for her immaculate choice of words in her conversation and  lecture, and  equally known for her oratorical skills,)  wrote in the comments column, that though she would like to know about the benefits of morning walk , she could not understand , since the entire thing was in Sanskrit and unintelligible.. 

True, Madam, but the passage was MORE a lesson in Sanskrit , to persuade viewers to attempt to translate them in to English or their own language than a note on the benefits of walking in morning. On and off, I publish an article or two on the classical language, an obsession for me for several years.

Having said this, one may click HERE to know the benefits of MORNING WALK.  one may also move to get more in-depth know-how of many an ailment which hits and hurts all particularly aged ones in one of my popular blogs concerning health.

Back to the topic,  One must be knowing Sanskrit is a language where one  can place any word anywhere in a sentence but still the meaning will be in tact. (unlike modern languages like English.)

This is another passage like that. 
Albeit, there is a strong message too.
The translation that follows is also not word by word.
गतशुक्रवासरे चायपानकक्षे मम एका पुरातना छात्रा मिलिता।
Last Friday during Teatime, an old student of mine met  me.

 तया इदानीं विद्यावाचस्पति इति उपाधये अस्माकं विभागे कार्यम् आरब्धम्।
For him, in my department , with the post and title of EMINENT PROFESSOR, a new job has started.

 सा यं विषयं मत् अशिक्षे तस्य विषयस्य अधुना अध्यापनं कथं भवति इति आवां चर्चयावः स्म। 
Without knowing or mastering the subject , how one could adorn the post ? Our discussion started between us. 

अहम् अकथयं विषयस्य पाठ्यक्रमे परिवर्तनं कृतम् इति।
I said, the subject not revealed earlier, needs a change.

 यावत् आवां चर्चयावः मम मुखात् स्फोटिताः इमाः शब्दाः मन्ये ओस्ट्रेलियादेशे मम जीवनं व्यर्थं गतम् इति।
As we progressed in discussion, looking at my face ,in  these words (he said) my whole tenure in Australia was just wasted.

 गत त्रिंशत्वर्षेभ्यः अहं अध्यापयामि किन्तु न मन्ये छात्राः मत् किमपि अशिक्षन्त। प्रत्येकस्मिन् वर्षे शिक्षणस्य नूतना वृत्तिः कल्पिता किन्तु न किमपि प्रभावम् पश्यामि।
Last thirty years, I had been a teacher but I do not think students  were educated by me  Every new year I introduced a new course, new students but never I could see any new impact.

अद्य मया चिन्तितं न केवलछात्राः किन्तु अस्मिन् जगति कोऽपि मम वचनेषु अवधानं न अददात्। मन्ये कथं किं कथनीयं इति अहं न जानामि एव।
At this, I thought not only my students, but in this world, none lent their ears too. I said, (for me) ,  I do not know why I was saying all these (to them) 

इयं तिथिः २०१९-०१-२७तिथिः यस्यां तिथौ मया इदम् अनूभूतं सा तिथिः मया न विस्मर्तव्यम्। जीवनस्य महान् पाठः प्राप्तः अद्य।

Today 's date 27 01 2019 . On this date, I pen this to record the best lesson I learnt in my life. 

Lesson courtesy: 


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