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Dear Friends,
If a man offers another man a moment of peace,
 it is said to be the greatest service to humanity.

In the Bhagavad Gita,
 Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that no man can know happiness without peace.
In the Bible, in Hebrews chapter 12:14:
 “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone.”
In the Quran, in chapter 49:10: 
“Humanity is but a single brotherhood. So, make peace with your brethren.”
In Judaism, from Deuteronomy Rabah 5:15:
 “God announceth to Jerusalem that they will be redeemed only through peace.”
From time immemorial,
 in all religions, communities, nations and philosophies,
 peace has been one the most sought-after states of individuals and the world.
 The fact that it is spoken about so much indicates that humans somehow 
keep losing peace in their pursuits of power, pleasure and aggrandizement. 
Some also lose peace because their basic needs are not met.
Hence, attaining and sustaining peace is also one of the 17 millennial
 sustainable goals of the United Nations.
So on this International Day of Peace, 
Heartfulness Institute offers it share
 in contributing to world peace 
through individual peace.
Heartfulness is a simple system of 
relaxation and meditation practices.
In very little time you will be able to 
brush aside your thoughts and enjoy 
deep states of consciousness 
that will refresh your mind and body.
 When your mind is clear and relaxed
 you not only operate more effectively 
but with lightness, happiness and 
sense of fulfillment.
Today’s world requires a new set of tools 
for our personal growth and ‘mind management’.

In this guided series 
we offer you a modern version of the
 age-old method of Raja Yoga, 
meaning Yoga of the Mind or meditation. 
Wherever you are, at any time of the day,
 the Heartfulness practices will enable you to consciously rest your mind.
This audio and video series
 takes you systematically 
through an inner process, 
with step-by- step 'do it yourself' 
guided practices. 
These are free recordings 
used by wellness champions, corporations, government organizations and yoga instructors worldwide.
We hope you will derive
 immense benefit 
from the simple method of
We invite you to download 
our free relaxation and meditation
 audios and videos
contact our Heartspots 
around the globe to join in an event, 
and reach out to a trainer 
at .

You can also download 
our let's meditate app and 
Heartfulness magazine, free of charge.

Let’s join together so that
 individual peace contributes to
 world peace.

 On the 21st between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. IST 
( Calculate time in your time zone ) 
we invite you to watch our web cast

You are welcome to meditate with us,
 receive Yogic Transmission, 
and experience the calm and peace within.
From the 21st until the 30th of September, if you meditate anywhere at any time using the Heartfulness method of meditation, you can apply for a welcome card to join our ongoing meditation programs. There is no charge.
Let’s make a positive contribution to peace in the world, one individual at a time.
Participate in the live webcast. Invite existing practitioners and newcomers. Organise this event in multiple places in your town. Participation in the meditation is the first sitting for newcomers.


Invite everyone to meditate with Daaji whenever and wherever they can. Also offer as many group meditations as possible in all the venues in your city.
Newcomers can register by
Please note that even though we are commemorating UN International Day of Peace, any use of the UN logo is strictly prohibited.
For suggestions or queries:
Yours affectionately,
Heartfulness Team


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