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Acting President : P.P.Dhamija R-6/104, Raj Nagar, GHAZIABAD – 201002. Tel: 0120-4107104 / 9810186067 Email Id – premdhamija38@gmail.com | General Secretary : D Krishnan No.6/1, Sreshta Riverside Apartments, Wood Creek Road, Nandambakkam, Chennai - 600089 Tel : 9176635967 / 044 42850049. Email Id - dkrishnan1@gmail.com |
E circular No.DK/75
Dear Friends,
Reg: Happy Diwali – Reminder on pending issues to Chairperson & ED (P) - News flash on FP. etc.,
First of all my Hearty Greetings to all of you and your Family for a very Secure and Happy Diwali. Let the Festival of Lights bring more light to our pending issues.
In my previous Circular DK- 74, I had mentioned about my meeting with the Chairperson, LIC , Sri M R Kumar while he was on a visit to Chennai on the 6th, 7th and 8th of Oct. I had reported his mention of DFS having been already contacted on the Family Pension improvement matter, by the CO, and their having suggested to him to send in a reminder- communication on this matter, once the IBA issued its instructions to Banks for the implementation of the Government’s Decision, to raise FP from the existing level of 15% to 30% without any ceiling.
The IBA circular letter to the Banks, instructing them to proceed with the implementation of the Decision was issued on the 11th of Oct, and on the 13th Oct. I sent a message to the Chairperson on Whatsapp, appending the copy of the Communication of IBA, and requesting him to get in contact with the DFS on their earlier promise of bringing out a similar Notification for Retirees of LIC. Since no such indication is there till now, for any action on these lines, from the side of the CO of LIC, it was thought proper to send in an official communication to the ED Personnel Sri Dubey. Accordingly, a message has been sent to him this morning, a copy of which is enclosed here. In addition, another Reminder message has also been sent to our LIC Chairperson Sri M R Kumar on Whatsapp, where, apart from the Family Pension matter, the 92-93 Retirees matter also has been brought in.
Letter to ED(P)
Dear Sri Dubey,
On 7th Oct I met Sri M R Kumar, the Chairman, at Chennai and enquired reg. Family Pension improvement from its present level of 15% to 30% as done for Bank Retirees recently by the Dept. of Financial Services, Govt. of India. He said he had already taken it up with the DFS and they had suggested a reminder being sent to them, once the IBA instructions to Banks was issued. The IBA instruction, referred to by the DFS, was issued on the 11th of Oct (copy Attached), and I wrote to Sri M.R.Kumar, our LIC Chairperson, reminding him of what he had said. So far no information is there as to whether that reminder to the DFS was sent and if so whether there has been some response from them.
Can you kindly make another reminder to the DFS on this very important matter for the Retirees? Kindly give me some indication as to what has been done at the CO on this very significant matter?
Thanks and Regards. D.Krishnan.
Whatsapp Message to LIC Chairperson
Namaskar Kumarji.
One reminder reg. Family Pension matter with DFS, and the other reg. 92-93 retirees matter for a re-look you had promised.
Thanks and Regards, D.Krishnan.
As per reliable sources, FAMILY PENSION@ 30% has been cleared by DFS and LIC has sent draft notification to DFS for approval.
This news has been sent to me by Shri A V Tyagiji of Lucknow.
As already informed earlier, the Supreme Court Hearing on the SLPs, is slated for the 9th of November 2021. We will have to wait and see if it will still be the online mode again, or the Physical presence mode. Also, whether at all, some real progress would be there, or on some technical pretext, it gets put off again.
Meanwhile, I thought of suggesting to the Association Units, to see if their Annual General Body Meet, held back due to the Pandemic situation, can now be organized, to bring order back into our functioning. I have information from Chennai, Ernakulam, and Lucknow Associations that they are gearing up to conduct their Annual General Body Meetings within the month of Nov or Dec. Incidentally, Nashik Association has already conducted their AGM on the 23rd of Oct, and my compliments to them.
The Federation affiliation fee from member Associations @Rs.25 per member for the current year (2021-22) is due. Affiliated Associations who have not sent the same to the Federation Treasurer, so far, may send the same. The Associations should also take particular care to send a message to the Federation Treasurer, full details like the name of the Association, amount sent and the mode of remittance, positively.
Some more Associations have sent in their collections from the Arrears received by retired members, to the Federation. One Amount of 50,000/- sent by NEFT through LIC Employees’ Cooperative UTR to the Treasurer, could not be traced to the Association that sent it. This matter could be clarified from the respective Association to the Federation Treasurer, Sri Ramesh Dalal, if not already done.
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