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Shri S.C.Joshi is no more. Gen Secy.D.Krishnan extends HEARTFELT CONDOLENCES.


President :    N.P. Bali

705, Sur, Veena Saaz, Thakur Complex,

Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400 101

Mob : 9820324213

Email Id -

General Secretary :    D Krishnan

No.6/1, Sreshta Riverside Apartments,

Wood Creek Road, Nandambakkam, Chennai - 600089

Tel : 9176635967 / 044 42850049.

Email Id -

      E circular No.DK/38                  25-08-2020

Dear Friends, 

The Federation today mourns the sad and sudden loss of a stalwart among us, and sitting President of the strong Lucknow Association, Shri S.C.Joshi. He is reported to have suffered a Massive Cardiac arrest last night, not giving a chance for rushing medical aid to save him.


He was part of the 1st Batch of Direct Recruits in the LIC, and was 82. He was Zonal Manager at Kanpur on his last assignment. He was earlier ED (P) at CO and had great appreciation for Sri G N Sridharan, who was General Secretary of the in-service Federation of Class I Officers, for his sincere and stoic defence on our matters being discussed with him at the CO.     He was in fact asking a loud question as to why we had to change him from leading the Federation of the Retired Class I Officers after it all happened in the GC of Dec  2017. 


There was something of a charm about him, and he always had a penchant for using the English language to good effect.  He had an extraordinary memory of people and matters, and I used to receive long messages from him on whatsapp relating the current happenings to the past. 


I had the good fortune to be SDM at LKO when Sri Joshiji was the ZM. He was always very possessive about his Lucknow, and would advise me against taking  precipitate decisions regarding people and Unions. He cared a lot for relationships, well beyond his own Retirement. We have certainly lost a very good leader and a humane person.


Our heartfelt condolences to Madam Joshi and the rest of the family. 



General Secretary



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