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R.B.Kishore reflections.

The lowest FAMILY PENSION in history is of LIC Pensioners with a Restrictive & Truncated APPENDIX  V of Pension Rules 1995

      LIC BOARD has approved same FP Formula as in Govt & RBI already, 30 % of BASIC PAY.Our tentative calculations show an optimistic ,decent rise in FAMILY Pension,who went uncared,unwept & unsung. Every opportunity to CO,ZO,RMOS, we dinned into their ears as we have to feed them !! Govt final Notification is awaited. BOARD MEETING No:590: OCTOBER,2019

     Those who retire during 10 month period of earlier Wage agreement, with all best efforts,genuine attempts were eluding but ATLAST,LIC BOARD approved & sent to Govt that Last drawn Basic Pay  or Average of Last 10 months Basic Pay,whichever is HIGHER or BENEFICIAL will be granted. YET another FEATHER in AIRIEF CAP .Anamolies of Seniors getting less than Juniors will disappear   .Govt final Notification is awaited. BOARD MEETING  No:  589: JULY,2019

                                          I spoke to MD,Sri Mukesh Kumar Gupta,few days back. I said even when July Resolution is now 1 year old & October Resolution  9 months old, it ill behoves of any Govt to delay ,when indeed they & all know LIC is Kamadhenu for Govt. All efforts they are making,he affirmed ,but Govt now has neckfull of problems.



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