RETIRED LIC CLASS I OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION – CHENNAI (Affiliated to Federation of Retd. Class I Officers’ Associations)
President Vice-Presidents Secretary Jt. Secretaries Treasurer G.N.Sridharan M. Arunachalam P.A.Sivakumaran V.R.Krishnan T.N.Krishnamurthy
(9841072951) (9840869768) (9444079062) (9840932943) (9841221211)
D.Krishnan N.Nagarajan
(9176635967) (9840542658)
Dear Members,
Some new features in Mediclaim cover
Central office has issued a circular (23/9) introducing the following features effective from 1/4/2018 i e, the date of commencement of the renewal of group mediclaim policy for next year.
1. Increased floater cover will be allowed for Rs 40 & 50 Lakhs.(The option for this will have to be exercised before 30/11/2017.)
2. Children will also be covered -- sons & unmarried daughters aged 25 or less included.
3. Room rent increased to Rs 8500 applicable for pensioners opting for enhanced cover of Rs.40 & 50 lakhs only.
4 . Revised premium table furnished. This involves increased premium and we shall circulate the same shortly.
With Greetings -
GN Sridharan Gen.Secy fedn of Retd. LIC class 1 officers' Associations .
=============================================================== Friends,
We have reproduced below the details in the CO circular. As per ZO/OS this is not final and only tentative. They will circulate once things are finalised.
We have given this only by way of advance intimation.
With regards,
Jt Secretary
PS: we are trying to bring out a booklet on mediclaim as we did in 2014. Since there may be some changes contemplated, it may take some more time.
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