I have just seen the post of Shri Prem Dhamija on the above matter carried in your esteemed blog a couple of hours back.
Shri Dhamija is one of the senior functionaries in my organisation .Though being a soft spoken gentleman we have always found him to be candid in expressing his views and yet ever willing to listen to others. His post could not have come at a more opportune time when pensioners are eager to know what the court decides rather than knowing who did what!!
I am therefore tempted to make some clarificatory 'observations '- I hasten to call them so and not as 'my Response'- on certain points arising out of his mail.
1)Out of the five members of the 'legal committee' of our federation at least three viz myself Sri R Rajagopalan & shri Vk jain are practising lawyers of more than two decades of standing.
According to my information -i promise to stand corrected if I am wrongly informed - our friend Mr. murthy was never a practising lawyer but got himself enrolled only after our litigation had got heated up first in the Supreme court and later in Delhi HC. Apart from my information, whether right or wrong, both Mr. murthy & Mr. mahadevan to my personal knowledge successfully took care of their career advancement while in service. I still have great respect for the latter who came forward to form an affiliate association of our fedn at Hyderabad when everybody thought it impossible for certain reasons which are not relevant now.
2) The breaking up of Hyd from our organisation was certainly not on the basis of any 'principle' but only for ego satisfaction of individuals.
3) I may inform shri.Dhamija that shri Murty has successfully brain washed certain groups of pensioners at places he visited in his Bharat Darshan. It was possible because we still have friends who would rather go by personal affinities of 'batch' 'cadre on retirement' etc unmindful of the fact that they are throwing overboard the norms of 'organisational loyalties'.
Why did he not go to Mumbai where we have 1200 members? One of the so succumbed groups have been strangely attributing any action of our Federation to MY age!! At 85 I cannot claim to be young but one should seriously ponder whether the talk of young or old in any organisation of retired people can really have a serious place. All of us are old and that is why we are retired.! I shall feel gratified if any of the esteemed readers of your blog can tell me whether I do no not satisfy all or any of the three criteria of a) physical mobility b) Mental stability and 3) grasp of the problems of the pensioners' community.
I do not want to go further as shri Dhamija had fortunately done some plain speak in without mincing words
-GNSridharan .
Fedn of Retd. LIC Class1 officers' Assns.
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