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GNS writes:

I am sending the e circular of date as attached. In addition, what is stated, the following also are to informed.

1)      Minimum pension prescribed in the Rules are updated based on the index to which the new salary scales are fixed. 

There is relief as far as the minimum pension is concerned, 

2)      Issues in Family Pension are not duly addressed

3)      While 100% DR is not conceded, we tried to work a few representative cases to get the quantum difference in pension, as a result of the order. The low quantum difference is of greater concern than the effective date. 

The concept of fixing DR Rates are not duly appreciated or considered. 
a)      Pre 1997 – Our Petitioner (Basic Rs. 4963)  - His current pension of Rs 22801 increases to Rs 24556
b)      Pre 1993 – Self (Basic Rs. 2801) – The current pension Rs.22907 increases to Rs. 23482.

GN Sridharan
Gen Secretary,
Federation of Retired LIC Class I Officers’ Associations 

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