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That is Ok. But what we shall be doing till they decide finally ?

A response from a devotee (sorry!) , follower of GNS:  That's ok. Sridharan! But the S C will decide the case only by 2020 ? Till then what shall I be doing?......! " I jumped into the conversation. i hissed in his ears: Don't worry, my friend ! Visit these temples."   And Relax. " I said.  YOU DO WHAT U CAN AND LEAVE THE  REST TO HIM. KURAI ONDRUM ILLAI. MARAMOORTHI KANNA. GOVINDHA GOVINDHA...   M S SINGS.  LET US LISTEN AND RELAX.

G N S informs:

Sub:  Our decisions at the Delhi Meeting on 26/5/2017 The meeting of Office-bearers and Legal Committee members of the Federation was held with our President Shri NP Bali in the Chair, as  scheduled at Delhi on Friday, the 26 th  May 2017. Earlier a team of our sister entity AIRIEF comprising of their President, Shri S Saxena, General Secretary Shri GS Krishnaswamy, their other leader and Petitiner at Jaipur, Shri KML Asthana and a host of their activists were with us for detailed discussion on the modalities of coordinating our action on the course of further steps to be imitated over the Judgement of DHC. It was conveyed to us their organization will file SLP in preference to Review Petition. After mutual exchange of views, it was decided that in view of procedural necessity of each Petitioner filing separate SLPs (individually), we shall proceed with that part of action first, at an appropriate near future.  We will exchange notes so that cohesive steps are taken in the c

Perumal Vandhaachchu...! Perumal has come !

Don't disturb. My Bhakthas are only happy. 8th Century AD temple that has Mamalla Style of Architecture 15ft Moolavar in a Sthala Sayana Posture Malola Narisimha, Vaikunta Nathan, Hayagriva idols seen inside the sanctum

05 Teertha Vitthala Abhang | O S Arun (Margazhi Ragam 2013)