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G N S informs:

Sub: Our decisions at the Delhi Meeting on 26/5/2017

The meeting of Office-bearers and Legal Committee members of the Federation was held with our President Shri NP Bali in the Chair, as  scheduled at Delhi on Friday, the 26th May 2017.Displaying 2017-05-27-PHOTO-00000012.jpg

Earlier a team of our sister entity AIRIEF comprising of their President, Shri S Saxena, General Secretary Shri GS Krishnaswamy, their other leader and Petitiner at Jaipur, Shri KML Asthana and a host of their activists were with us for detailed discussion on the modalities of coordinating our action on the course of further steps to be imitated over the Judgement of DHC. It was conveyed to us their organization will file SLP in preference to Review Petition. After mutual exchange of views, it was decided that in view of procedural necessity of each Petitioner filing separate SLPs (individually), we shall proceed with that part of action first, at an appropriate near future.  We will exchange notes so that cohesive steps are taken in the conduct of the cases. With regard to engaging a common senior counsel, which involve issues like choice and cost, it will be considered at the appropriate time.

It was suggested that Shri GN Sridharan discusses with AIIPA similarly on the issue. Displaying 2017-05-27-PHOTO-00000013.jpg

Thereafter, our meeting commenced. After threadbare discussion on all connected matters, the following decisions were taken unanimously.Displaying 2017-05-27-PHOTO-00000017.jpg

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1.       We shall file an SLP in the Supreme Court against the verdict of DHC immediately after re-opening of the Court after vacation on 3/7/2017. The first thing that was decided after members expressed their view that Review Petition is not called for;Displaying 2017-05-27-PHOTO-00000014.jpg

2.       We shall co-ordinate our course of action with peer organizations except Hyderabad Assn who is welcome back into our fold.  Shri Subir Mazumdar the Joint Secretary (based at Kolkata) will take necessary steps in that behalf;Displaying 2017-05-27-PHOTO-00000011.jpg

3.       We shall apart from pursuing matters at judiciary, explore the possibilities of other modes of settlement of our issues. Shri OP Vashist is authorized to take necessary initiatives on this with the guidance of the General Secretary.;
4.       A Legal Notice will be sent to LIC of India calling upon them to immediately extend the benefit of re-fixation of pension for the retirees of 1992-93, based on the decision in the MC Jain case at the Apex Court.  Appropriate further action will follow on the response to the Notice.;
5.       In order to meet the immediate need for pursuing action in Supreme Court, our finance will be augmented with contribution from our members. A letter in this behalf addressed to the Units will from General Secretary in a few days.
The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to Delhi Association who had made all arrangements for the meeting at the short notice.

GN Sridharan
General Secrtary,
Fed of Retd LIC Class I Officers’ AssnsDisplaying 2017-05-27-PHOTO-00000015.jpg

PS: A few snaps of our discussion with the AIREF leaders and then our matting are attached for your viewing.​
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