FEDERATION OF RETIRED LIC CLASS I OFFICERS' ASSOCIATIONS Acting President : P.P.Dhamija R-6/104, Raj Nagar, GHAZIABAD – 201002. Tel: 0120-4107104 / 9810186067 Email Id – premdhamija38@gmail.com General Secretary : D Krishnan No.6/1, Sreshta Riverside Apartments, Wood Creek Road, Nandambakkam, Chennai - 600089 Tel : 9176635967 / 044 42850049. Email Id - dkrishnan1@gmail.com E circular No.DK/74 06-10-2021 Dear Friends, Reg: Meeting with LIC Chairman today ... Glad to report that we had a good meeting with the LIC Chairman today, in the midst of the SZ SDM’s Conference that was on at the Taj Coramandel Hotel in Chennai. As soon as I heard that the Chairman was to go over here on a visit, I requested the ZM SZ to ena...