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To be happy this moment...

How can you be happy if you're holding onto unpleasant memories of the past?  Unpleasant memories are the biggest hindrance for you to be happy this moment. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


information from  sri V.R.KRISHNAN  our joint secretary chennai chapter of our Association. RETIRED  LIC  CLASS  I OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION,  CHENNAI 22-07-2017 Dear Members, The concern of our colleagues at Chennai about lack of communication for quite some time has been conveyed to me. I am sorry the cause for it was that I was busy for nearly two weeks in finalising the Special Leave petition (SLP) in the supreme court against the  Delhi High Court judgement DT 27/4  which was totally adverse on the issue of up gradation of pensions though on the question of DR Anomaly some relief had been granted to the pre 97 retirees .             I may however inform that thanks to the help of our vice president Shri. Arunachalam and other Legal committee members of the federation we have finalised a revised draft which has already been forwarded to our advocate at Delhi . we expect that t...

Filing S L P in Supreme Court

Filing SLP in SC As we are receiving enquiries on the status of work in regard to the above, we confirm we are actively on the job.  Our advocate had sent to us a preliminary draft of the petition on  which we felt a little more of elaboration was called for.  We have therefore sent back to him a revised draft prepared after consultations amongst the legal committee members as decided earlier.  Our activist at Delhi shri. VK Jain is coordinating with our advocate and we are taking all steps to ensure that the petition is filed on 25 th or 26 th of this month.  We may add that the other two organisations we are in touch with may also be filing around the same time only, . With Greetings, GN Sridharan, Gen. Secy. Federation of Retd.LIC Class I Officers' Assns.

News from Federation

Shri MS Murty​ is no more The news of Shri M Sreenivasa M murty's demise has come to us as a rude shock. Notwithstanding the  differences on certain policy matters and approach. every one of us including myself had great admiration for his zeal in working for the cause of pensioners. I have already conveyed my personal condolence through the three blogs in operation. I now place on record our deep sympathies to his bereaved family on behalf of our Federation. ​​ Filing of SLP in Supreme Court We are still in the process of finalizing the papers and we hope that the same will be lodged  in 10 days ' time. Our inquiries with the leadership of AIIPA & AIRIEF reveal that they will also be filing their SLPs not before 20th of this month. We shall promptly inform members as soon as the filing is done. ​ GN Sridharan Gen. Secy Federation of Retd. LIC class1 officers' Associations

OUR Vice President D.Krishnan conveys his condolences.

Sri Mulukutla Srinivasa Murty's sudden passing away has really come as a shock to all his friends and admirers. I had known Sri Murty from a number of years during our service days. I had watched him flower out into a very able and amiable personality. He held higher level positions with grace and dignity. He had a way of effectively communicating from the stage. He also had a penchant for the written word. The tremendous energy with which he plunged into the movement for the Pensioners for their rights and privileges was amazing. From his  activity levels in the cause of Pensioners, one can't easily guess his age. He looked like a motivated youngster, hopping places spending his own time and money, to achieve his objectives. He was an incurable optimist who went around to canvass opinion in favour of his approach to the legal battles. It was after a no of such attempts at trying to get the Pensioners Federation to see his angle to the legal directions, he thought would be...