information from
Dear Members,
The concern of our colleagues at Chennai about lack of communication for quite some time has been conveyed to me. I am sorry the cause for it was that I was busy for nearly two weeks in finalising the Special Leave petition (SLP) in the supreme court against the Delhi High Court judgement DT 27/4 which was totally adverse on the issue of up gradation of pensions though on the question of DR Anomaly some relief had been granted to the pre 97 retirees .
I may however inform that thanks to the help of our vice president Shri. Arunachalam and other Legal committee members of the federation we have finalised a revised draft which has already been forwarded to our advocate at Delhi . we expect that the petition would be filed before 27th of this month. We are seeking interim relief in regard to DR while praying for a stay of the Delhi judgement in all other respects.
On organisational matters I am happy to report that Nine new members have joined us due to efforts taken by our active Joint . Secretary Shri VR Krishnan. I shall be happy, if our members can refer any of their friends or other officers who had just retired or who are going to retire shortly, to any one of us.
As for contributions to the legal fund ,only 106 members(including those who attended our AGM on 13/5) have so for sent in their cheques. I take the liberty of reminding others in this behalf
With Greetings
With Greetings
--- GN Sridharan President Retd.LIC class 1 officers' Association
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