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Pancharatna Kritis of Saint Composer Thyagaraja – Live from Thiruvaiyaru...

Happy Republic Day

The Two Birds by Swami Sarvapriyananda

If I am the BRAHMAN, why u say I need to strive for liberation !! Is there a contadiction? Swami answers.

How Life Leaves The Body After Death In Detail By Sadhguru | Mystics of ...

Swami Sarvapriyananda - "Astavakra The Heart of Awareness"

Concentrate on Larger issue of Periodical Upgradation.....G N S says.

Our pensioner friends will appreciate that it is worthwhile we keep ourselves abreast of what is happening to others,particularly  in the Banking sector,since whether we like or not it is the policy of the govt (Fin.ministry) to club insurance with banking in the matter of emoluments of employees including pensioners.This being election time it becomes all the more necessary. I would therefore like to share with you all the following information I have. (Let us all remember that judiciary will not interfere with policy decisions of the executive) 1) In the latest round of talks held on 18th inst with IBA in connection with the impending 11th Bi-partite wage settlement the representative organisations of Bank employees had reportedly made as one of their demands - 'updation of pensions of all retirees at a common index point as would be applicable under the 11th settlement'. The reaction of the IBA is reported as "would be studied for consideration". ( it is