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MSM is no more . GNS expresses his deep condolences

I was greatly shocked to know of the demise of  shri Sreenivasamurthy last evening, It was unfortunate that till late night,-  almost till  I was engrossed in going through the draft of SLP to be filed on behalf of the federation and had avoided access to my system. It was only when I woke up this morning I could come to know of this sad news which has indeed shaken me terribly. > > Despite my policy differences with him I sincerely state that i had deep admiration for the hectic manner he was going about his job for the cause of LIC pensioners. I gratefully recall that even about 48 hours back he had expressed his personal regard for me through his post in the Pensioners' Chronicle. > > Shri Murthy's acquaintance with me dates back to more than three decades and I have indeed lost a valuable old friend of mine. His undying enthusiasm to work was something fantastic worthy of emulation by any one working for a common cause.His end has come ironically when the p

It is hard to believe....

M Arunachalam 8:54 AM (0 minutes ago) to  pggangadharan ,  me ,  rk It is hard to believe that MSM is no more. I did caution him two months back::. ".... I wish you speedy recovery to normalcy, and I am sure you will ensure the needed restraint and caution in the activities that you are shouldering upon. He was to quick to respond: " Thank you for your kind wishes. Nice of you, Sir for the personal message".  He used to speak his points admirably well, in open sessions. We did have several rounds of closed meetings, both before and after his forming HYD.  Rarely he missed any proceedings in SC  or HC but pe nsioners' movement.will miss him for ever. My heartfelt condolences to his family members, dear and near. May his soul rest in peace! Nostalgia:  Our association started 22 years back. The enclosed picture will show his liking to take the center stage, and of course he was in the limelight in the then XLR

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