I leave it to our leaders to take it or leave it......says G.N.Sridharan, President, Chennai Association .
The only notable event in the bank pensioners' quest for securing up-gradation so far is that the meeting between the IBA and the representatives of the employees' unions did take place on 22 nd July as scheduled.But, what has come out of it ?.... The dialogue will continue. Two effective platforms viz the 'chronicle' and the Kolkata WA group have been carrying non stop flashing of circulars of interested unions for bank employees on what happened at the meeting.As a result, reactions galore have started flowing from LIC Pensioners and their leaders in particular.To me this situation seems to be a bit , out of place if not uncalled-for. However one good fallout is that our LIC pensioner friends appear to now believe that we cannot achieve anything unless something happens to Bank Pensioners. Therefore it is gratifying personally for me that my long-standing and firm view has gained acceptance. The details of the 22/7 talks as circulated till now...