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F rom India’s first woman bartender,  Shatbhi Basu , to India’s first female wine sommelier, Sovna Puri, the country’s women are making a conscious effort to pursue their passions and careers, breaking gender stereotypes and crashing the glass ceiling. But, 40 years ago, there was a traditional woman who did not even know what gender stereotyping was. All she wanted to do was lead a quiet life with her family in a village. But when life threw her a challenge, she gathered the courage to take it on, rising to the occasion to enter a man’s world so she could feed her hungry daughters. This is the story of Shantabai Shripati Yadav, India’s first female barber. This 70-year-old from Hasursasgiri  village in Kolhapur district of Maharashtra is indeed an inspiration to all. Shantabai Shripati Yadav Shantabai was married when she was just 12 years old. Her father was a barber and so was her husband Shripati. Shripati farmed the three acres of land that he and his four ...

An SMS from Gen.Secretary of Federation.

An SMS from G N Sridharan just received by me. Dear Shri Sury, I sincerely compliment on your nice coverage in the blog of the Independence Day proceedings and the Prime Minister's address. It is indeed a good diversion for pensioners who are accustomed to read only posts carrying  individual legal opinions or ones carrying accusations on others by some ambitious leaders. Keep us the practice of posting matters of national interest.  With best wishes,  G.N. Sridharan. 08.03.18 p.m.  वन्दे मातरम  vandhe matharam   by  Latha Mangeshkar. लता जी  Jai Bharath


AN INDEPENDENCE DAY MESSAGE FROM SANDIPANI VIDYANIKETAN The society is divided into two extremes when it comes to wealth. Some are worried what to do when they are hungry and others want to know the solution to feeling hungry.  When I was in Jagannath, we decided to feed people rice prasad from the temple to about 100 people. However, without any publicity, 350 people turned up. There was less curry and lentil soup than rice, but I noticed that people were just taking fists of rice and gulping it down with water. I felt for how long have these people been hungry for?  Then, I was informed that that some ladies are filling a container with rice. Already, we did not have enough and I had requested more rice to be bought. Thus, I approached the ladies who had little children surrounding them. The ladies were feeding the children and themselves. I asked one of them, "Sister, have you filled this container?"  The volunteers were worked up and made the ladies open the co...

PM Modi at 70th Independence Day Celebrations at Red Fort, Delhi

i love my INDIA

For the Benefit of Those who are addicted to see Fights only.

warning:  Those who are more than 80 and have a heart problem please do not see this.  However, you u choose to see this, have before you a list of heartless hospitals on cashless basis. Else  please TO SECOND VIDEO.  WHAT FOLLOWS IS ALSO  A FUSION, A  CLASSICAL FIGHT BETWEEN TWO GIANTS   ZAKIR HUSSAIN AND SIVAMANI.    CLASSICAL GALORE.  enjoy your evening.  Tomorrow, that is twelve hours from now INDEPENDENCE DAY.  GREETINGS TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY OF PENSIONERS.

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को

MYTHILI SHARAN GUPTH POEMS OF MYTHILI SHARAN GUPTH ARE FOR ME SOME SORT OF GLUCOSE SALINE, INFUSING INTO MY VEINS HOPES AND REASSURANCES. THIS POEM I READ WAY  BACK IN 1957 नर हो, न निराश करो मन को कुछ काम करो, कुछ काम करो जग में रह कर कुछ नाम करो यह जन्म हुआ किस अर्थ अहो समझो जिसमें यह व्यर्थ न हो कुछ तो उपयुक्त करो तन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। संभलो कि सुयोग न जाय चला कब व्यर्थ हुआ सदुपाय भला समझो जग को न निरा सपना पथ आप प्रशस्त करो अपना अखिलेश्वर है अवलंबन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। जब प्राप्त तुम्हें सब तत्त्व यहाँ फिर जा सकता वह सत्त्व कहाँ तुम स्वत्त्व सुधा रस पान करो उठके अमरत्व विधान करो दवरूप रहो भव कानन को नर हो न निराश करो मन को। निज गौरव का नित ज्ञान रहे हम भी कुछ हैं यह ध्यान रहे मरणोंत्‍तर गुंजित गान रहे सब जाय अभी पर मान रहे कुछ हो न तज़ो निज साधन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। प्रभु ने तुमको कर दान किए सब वांछित वस्तु विधान किए तुम प्राप्‍त करो उनको न अहो फिर है यह किसका दोष कहो समझो न अलभ्य किसी धन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को।  किस गौरव के तुम योग्...