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Showing posts from December, 2021

Gen.Secretary Sri D.Krishnan greets all on the eve of New Year Day .

  As we usher in the New Year 2022, we should expect  the changes, that have become an inevitable part of life. The old adage, ‘the old order changeth yielding place to new’, is bound to be on us, whether we like it or not. As for our LIC, the Organization that brought us together in one bloc, would for sure change its shape and character in this New Year, with the IPO on the cards. On matters of results we await as a class of retired people, I would personally put Family Pension improvement on the top of my list of expectations. Yes, we as pensioners of LIC, have a sacred duty to safeguard the family we cherish so much. When we are fighting for improvement in the Pension amount we now draw, should it not occur to us too,  that the Family Pension amount that is so low as of now, would put the family to great privations should there be a sudden change-over in  status to Family- Pensioners. This change to improved levels should be coming in sooner than late...

"Honestly speaking...." E circular from Gen.Secretary.

  FEDERATION OF RETIRED LIC CLASS I OFFICERS' ASSOCIATIONS          Acting President   :      P.P.Dhamija R-6/104, Raj Nagar, GHAZIABAD – 201002. Tel: 0120-4107104 / 9810186067 Email Id – General Secretary :      D Krishnan No.6/1, Sreshta Riverside Apartments, Wood Creek Road, Nandambakkam, Chennai - 600089 Tel : 9176635967 / 044 42850049. Email Id -   E circular No.DK/79                                            07-12-2021 Dear Friends, Reg: Honestly speaking, there ...